Have you ever poured your heart and soul in to something that you thought would yield you the fruits of your labor only to see nothing happen? How do you feel when you expect to see results and they don't show up? What makes you continue to put in the work when you're not receiving anything for your efforts?
In life we are constantly given seeds to plant, water and nurture. The hardest part is the waiting. Once we have put in what we think is enough energy to produce a result we become impatient. We are ready to receive something in return. What makes us decide the time is right to collect? Many times we are given a time frame and know if we follow it we will be rewarded with the end result.
If we purchase a box of cake mix and follow the directions on the box we know that in 28 minutes we will have a yummy cake to eat. If we buy a ticket and go to the movies we know in 2 hours we will find out what happens at the end. We have been trained to receive a result at the end of a set time frame. So it's understandable when we become impatient with something we are working towards and we are not seeing a result in the time we expect. For us that are cultivating something like a business and are expecting faster results than we are seeing, we either quit or slowly stop putting in the efforts.
Growing a business is hard work. It takes many things to make it become successful. First it takes a vision, you have to see in your mind what it is you want it to become. Second it takes planing, you have to know how you're going to make it become what you envision. Third it takes consistency and showing up for the actions and activities that will make it work. But that's not all you will have to do, your also going to have to keep evolving. If you have had children you might relate it to the times when you finally thought you had it figured out on how to stop your baby from crying. Then bam the one thing that used to work no longer works and your back to not having a clue as to what to do. But you keep searching and keep trying to find the things that work to stop them from crying. That's what it can be like with growing your own business as well. Just when you think you have it all figured out it's time for a different approach.

Now your 2 minutes in to reading this blog and you're wondering why is this blog post titled Bamboo and Business. Well, here we go. I'd like you to think about you're growing business or maybe it's a project you're working on and relate it to the growth of bamboo. The Chinese Bamboo Tree requires care, water, fertile soil, sunshine. In its first year, we see no visible signs of activity. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third, the fourth, still nothing. Our patience is tested and we begin to wonder if our efforts (caring, water, etc.) will ever be rewarded.
And finally in the fifth year – behold, a miracle! We experience growth. And what growth it is! The Chinese Bamboo Tree grows 80 feet in just six weeks! The Chinese Bamboo Tree is a perfect parable to our own experience with personal growth, business growth and change (whether we are working on ourselves or coaching others). It is never easy. It’s slow to show any progress. It’s frustrating and unrewarding at times. But it is sooooo worth it….especially if we can be patient and persistent. To stand strong, the bamboo grows and develops its root system for 4 long years, so it can support the whole structure and weight above ground when the day comes. This support system enables it to survive in the harshest conditions for many, many years, thanks to durability, strength and flexibility it developed ahead of time. Without that solid foundation, it could not support the size and long life.
I’ve discovered that the same thing happens in life and in business, doesn’t it? If you want to achieve long-term success, have great relationships, and get everything you want in life, you need to have a solid foundation to support those things – your character, your values, your mindset. It all starts with YOU. Become the right kind of person and you will do the right things that will allow you to achieve what you want. If you don't have a strong belief in your self or your business, if you can't understand the power of building a strong foundation and you do not have the patience and determination to keep going and keep believing than Chinese Bamboo might not be meant for you and thats ok. But if you do then keep dreaming, keep believing and keep nurturing your business because it will be worth it!